Tuesday, December 1, 2015


I've worked out on and off my whole life. Ask my hubby-I have a "store" of videos, books, etc in my basement. However I have never really gotten into the shape of my life...yet. I have a friend who has not missed a workout in the 19 plus years I know her. She has incredible determination and will. I on the other hand am not like that. Most people are not like that. My past is filled with workouts that I did for a few months and then dropped. The difference for me now is that I am holding myself accountable..to you. To anyone that reads my posts or clicks on my status's. I always thought I could do this alone. I didn't like people in my "business", I was all "I got this"... well I didn't and I don't, not without YOU. Being accountable to someone, anyone, just one person out there has made the difference for me. If I post in the morning that I am working out that night, guess what, by gosh I will FINISH that workout cuz thats what I said I would do.